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Template and Questions to Make Sure you are Hiring the Right Person
Free The Freela
It's not easy to conduct a Talent Interview to make sure you are Hiring the Right Person. But with the following template, you can be one step ahead and really get to know both the technical and personal aspects of the candidates.
Recruitment platforms like Free The Freela can help you preserve something extremely valuable: your time.
Tools like that streamline steps that can be automated and facilitate the analysis of each candidate's profile, offering access to verified talents that match your search.
But when it comes to recruiting, human connection is key. That's why conducting a Talent Interview is one of the most important steps to understanding which profile best fits your business culture and long-term goals.
Today we're going to help you do well in the Talent Interview, and lead a conversation that results in hiring the best talent for your business.
How to take advantage of a 30-minute talent interview:
Some people say that conducting a successful interview is magic and that few people are able to truly project a talent's success into the organization with just one conversation.
We want to help you decode this process, and ensure that with 5 key questions you get a great understanding of the candidate's profile.
Although the conversations with the talent will be constant, and time is needed to understand the performance of each professional, it is possible to reduce risks and increase the chances of success with a well-conducted interview.
5 key questions to ask during an interview:
1. "Please share a challenge you faced and describe how you solved it"
With this question, you can assess the candidate's technical skills, capability to face challenges, and logical reasoning to come up with solutions.
2. "When someone has a different position than you, what do you do?"
Here is when you find out how talent behaves in the face of interpersonal disagreements and what is their posture. You will also be able to understand whether or not they have leadership skills.
3. "What's the most important thing for you when given the opportunity to choose a company to work with"
Here is your opportunity to understand the type of professional this talent is, and what they value in a work environment. It is essential that the talent and the company's goals are aligned to achieve the best results.
4. "What drives you personally? What do you think is your purpose in life?"
Pursuing purpose is an increasingly relevant factor in people's lives and a great weapon for retaining talent. If your business and your employees share the same purpose, you will have a team willing to do what is necessary to achieve success.
5. "Can you tell me about a project you were the proudest about? Please describe your role on it, and tell me about the process and technical challenges"
Here you have the opportunity to understand what the talent's main areas of interest are, their ability to technically explain the challenges faced, and their perception of their own importance in these challenges.
This article is intended to be a guide to understanding what questions we should ask during an interview. The above is a template that we have found useful when conducting interviews, but you should feel free to expand on this idea and tweak the questions based on your experience, skills needed, and requirements for the position.
At the end of the day, there are no right or wrong questions to be asked. Although it is important to be intencional when asking something. Those 5 questions above can give you a great insight into the Talent behavior, beliefs, and technical abilities - and that's the reason we recommend them.